The most important Painter in 17th century France

"We wished to bestow on Sieur Le Brun, our First Painter, a mark of the esteem, that we hold for him and for the excellence of his works, wich, it is universally acknowledged, outshine those of the famous painters of the last centuries."
Signed: Louis XIV
Letter in wich Louis XIV made Charles Le Brun a titled nobelman, December 22, 1662, registered in the Chamber of Accounts on May 22, 1663. (Paris)
Self portrait Charles LeBrun (1619-1690)

First Painter to King Louis XIV
This website has been created by the non-profit organization, the '' Friends of Charles Le Brun'', dedicated to the study and knowledge of the most important Master of Fine Arts in the 17th century France. Reproduction of texts is allowed and free from royalties..